Well it took me a while but I have finally opened the sewing machine I received as a wedding gift 4 years ago. It is a pretty basic model Singer 8-Stitch Sewing Machine . Having never sewn anything in my life it seemed like an impossibly daunting task. But I have been lusting over all the handmade (w/ a sewing machine) items on pinterest and esty long enough. It was seriously time for me to get some motivation and teach myself to sew! So here is my first finished project. The hardest part of the whole project was actually setting up the machine. Once I got that figured out the rest went surprisingly smooth. It took me 2 days only because I started without having all the materials needed, typical, so I had to fit a trip into Joanns in there somewhere. I love the result and can't wait to start some new projects.
The only part I didn't understand was the topstitch so I found a good explanation here http://www.themotherhuddle.com/topstitching-101-the-what-and-how-of-a-topstitch/
Only problem is I'm not sure how my husband will feel about carrying the camera around now....hopefully the comfort of the the strap will win him over.